Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reading #16 - The Earth Charter

I am in complete and full agreement to the Earth Charter. I wish that a speaker would come to our college campus and give a lecture on the Earth Charter to raise awareness of its existence.

I thought before reading up on the lesson that the Earth Charter was just protecting the Earth but it digs deeper than that. It is also about protecting ourselves and also heightening an individual’s self esteem.

Section III on Social and Economic Justice speaks on the riddance of discrimination, the promotion of human development and affirming gender equality. If we as people could even treat other beings as equals it would be a more capable transition to other people to view animals deserving of respect as well.

If we start with our kind, humans, than people that are not green friendly and conscious of his or her actions on the world might be able to slowly work towards a better way of life.

I feel that there is some way to make a connection, reach a weak spot to each person, making him or her able to wake up and see the light on how important it is to take care of where we live. For instance, people that smoke weed are stereotypically Earth-lovers. Some may want to just fit the stereotype. If we illustrate saving our planet as being at peace with war and other illnesses residing in our human population, than perhaps they will work towards a more environmental friendly way of life.

The Earth Charter should however list examples of how to start off saving the world. Make a list of small things to do and then work towards big things. The Earth Charter should also have funds to help donate to perhaps a monthly winner that allocates funds to improve a home and make it greener friendly.

There is so much to be done and it seems as if there isn’t any time to catch up with the damage we have already caused. Hopefully this act will help.

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